Myslím, že na draw to jde teoreticky dokonce v kole druhém:
1) Forest, Grazer->Forest, Grazer->Lotus (3 cards, Board state: Lotus, 2×Grazer)
2) Draw (4 cards), Thespian stage (3 cards), tap Lotus for 3U, cycle Vizier (1U, 3 cards), tap Lotus for 3U (4U, 3 cards), copy Lotus with Thespian stage (2U, 3 cards), Hidden strings (untap both Lotuses, 2 cards), tap Lotus for 6U, Pore over pages, tap Lotus for 6U (7U, 3 cards), Hidden strings, tap for 6U (11U, 2 cards), Omniscience (1U 1 card), Granted for Enter the infinite, Granted for Jace, random draw effects...
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