Super článek, díky.
1 hlas
Legacy je rozsáhlý formát. Je nejenom útočištěm pro letité hráče, ale také výzvou pro nové hráče. V tomto článku si krátce představíme Legacy formát a podíváme se zběžně na nejhranější balíky.
Blíží se nám vydání Eternal Masters a spousta hráčů se těší, že si konečně budou moci levněji nakoupit karty, aby mohli začít hrát 'legačku'. České hráče (a ty v okolí) navíc čeká Legacy Grand Prix v Praze. K této příležitosti bych ráda napsala něco o Legacy, protože je dost pravděpodobné, že v červnu bude příval nových Legacy hráčů. Noví hráči tak poprvé objeví Legacy a bez dřívějších zkušeností s formátem mohou být začátky těchto hráčů dost kruté. Chtěla bych tímto článkem novým nebo méně zkušeným hráčům představit Legacy a následně něco krátce říci k nejhranějším deckům tohoto formátu.
Pár slov úvodem o formátu Legacy
Legacy je velmi náročná na hraní a vyžaduje jiný druh myšlení a schopností než jiné formáty. Nabízí však hodně, přináší po hře uspokojení a hlavně je zábavná. Vzhledem k tomu, že Legacy je velmi rozsáhlý formát, je těžké o Legacy mluvit obecně. Spousta balíků na Legacy funguje a má šanci vyhrát nad nejoblíbenějšími decky. Legacy hráči si dost často časem zvolí balík, který jim vyhovuje a toho se pak drží. Metagame je z tohoto důvodu velmi rozmanitá. Spousta z těchto decků nejsou považovány za Tier 1 decky, které vyhrávají velké turnaje, avšak i tyto decky jsou dostatečně silné, aby takový turnaj vyhrály.
Legacy, tak jak ji známe, vznikla v roce 2004. Předcházel jí formát s názvem Type 1.5 - jednalo se víceméně o Type 1 bez Poweru. Dříve omezené karty z Type 1 byly prostě na Type 1.5 zakázané, to se však v roce 2004 změnilo. Type 1.5 dostal nový název a také svůj první opravdový banlist. Z Legacy se najednou stal úplně jiný formát (stejně tak jako z Type 1/Vintage) a nějakou dobu trvalo, než se formát podařilo vybalancovat.
Relativně dlouhou dobu jsem přemýšlela, co definuje Legacy, ale nepodařilo se mi na to přijít. Šla jsem na to ze špatného konce. Otázka, na kterou jsem si měla odpovědět, byla totiž jiná: "Proč hraji Legacy?". Legacy jsem začala hrát z toho důvodu, že jsem si chtěla zahrát nějaký deck, který by se mi líbil a tudíž by mě bavil. Modern nebo Standard něco takového neumožňoval už jen z toho důvodu, že karty, které mám ráda už Wizards of the Coast dlouhou dobu netisknou. Legacy je natolik rozmanitý formát, že je blízký hráčům, kteří hrají již nějakou dobu. Aby takový formát mohl tyto hráče uspokojit a udržet si je, musí být dostatečně složitý a musí hráčům umožnit hrát archetypy decků z celé historie Magicu, ať už se jedná o Storm, Dredge, Staxx nebo Reanimator. To však na druhou stranu znamená, že to není jednoduchý formát na naučení. Aby se člověk stal dobrým hráčem Legacy, je třeba spousta zkušeností. Na Legacy je spousta dobrých balíků a každý hráč se musí naučit proti nim hrát a to chvíli trvá. Vzhledem k tomu, že se jedná o velmi silné balíky se silnými kartami, může nastat spousta situací, které se mohou jevit nefér. Hráč, který chce s Legacy začít, se s tímto faktem musí smířit a zvyknout si na něj.
Legacy Banlist | ||
Advantageous Proclamation Amulet of Quoz Ancestral Recall Backup Plan Balance Bazaar of Baghdad Black Lotus Brago's Favor Bronze Tablet Channel Chaos Orb Contract from Below Darkpact Demonic Attorney Demonic Consultation Demonic Tutor Dig Through Time Double Stroke Earthcraft Falling Star Fastbond Flash Frantic Search Goblin Recruiter Gush | Hermit Druid Immediate Action Imperial Seal Iterative Analysis Jeweled Bird Library of Alexandria Mana Crypt Mana Drain Mana Vault Memory Jar Mental Misstep Mind Twist Mind's Desire Mishra's Workshop Mox Emerald Mox Jet Mox Pearl Mox Ruby Mox Sapphire Muzzio's Preparations Mystical Tutor Necropotence Oath of Druids Power Play Rebirth | Secret Summoning Secrets of Paradise Sentinel Dispatch Shahrazad Skullclamp Sol Ring Strip Mine Survival of the Fittest Tempest Efreet Time Vault Time Walk Timetwister Timmerian Fiends Tinker Tolarian Academy Treasure Cruise Unexpected Potential Vampiric Tutor Wheel of Fortune Windfall Worldknit Yawgmoth's Bargain Yawgmoth's Will |
Na Legacy se mohou hrát jakékoliv karty, které nejsou na banlistu. Některé karty na banlistu jsou příliš silné pro tento formát a proto jsou zakázány. Dále jsou zakázány ante karty, karty typu conspiracy, karty vyžadující manuální zručnost a Shahrazad. Vzhledem k tomu, že všechny ty přesílené karty, které se dají hrát na Vintage jsou na Legacy zakázané, musí si Legacy hráči najít tu nejlepší náhradu, co jejich formát nabízí. Když není možné si zahrát Oath of Druids, pořád je zde Show and Tell, který umožní neférově do hry dostat Griselbranda nebo Emrakula. Když hráč nemá přístup k Yawgmoth's Will, aby si zahrál spelly z hrobu, může mu v některém balíku stačit zahrát Past in Flames. Bazaar of Baghdad také není na Legacy legální, avšak strategie využívající graveyard jsou silné a celkem běžné. Dredge a Reanimator jsou decky, které se hrají, jsou zde prostě jiné karty, které umožňují karty dostat do hrobu (Breakthrough, Lion's Eye Diamond, Entomb etc.)
Kromě toho, že Legacy je velmi rozsáhlý formát, je to také ten nejkonzistentnější formát. Má to primárně dvě příčiny - mana base a karty, které umožňují manipulaci s knihovnou. Možnost přístupu k fetchkám a původním duálům má za následek to, že hráči mohou bez problému hrát 2, 3 i 4 barevné balíky, aniž by se museli bát, že je hraní více barev zpomalí. Vzhledem k tomu, že karty jako Brainstorm nebo Ponder nejsou omezené ani zakázané, hráči mají velkou kontrolu nad svojí knihovnou. Fetchky této kontrole napomáhají, a tak se pravděpodobně nebudete divit, že Brainstorm je jedna z karet, která Legacy formát definuje.
Vzhledem k tomu, že balíky jsou konzistentní, mohou i rychle zabít. Z tohoto důvodu musí většina balíků hrát nějaké obranné karty. Tou nejlepší kartou na zastavení combo balíku je Force of Will - ikonická to karta, která jako jediná je schopná zastavit combo kill v prvních kolech hry, aniž by vás to stálo manu. Avšak tato možnost hráče přijde draho (stojí to kartu navíc a ztrátu jednoho života).
Deck na Legacy je tudíž souhrn obranných karet a karet, které podporují strategický plán jak hru vyhrát (např. u takové Vintage je to obvykle jedna jediná karta, která vyhrává hru). Tento formát je více o synergii karet a dobrého plánu jak vyhrát než o síle jednotlivých karet. Spousta různých decků funguje a Tier 1 deck nemusí nutně vyhrát velký turnaj. Budget decky sice v Legacy existují, avšak není to jako u jiných formátů, kde si levný balík pořídíte za $100. Na tomto formátu vás budget deck bude stát kolem $500 (250 tix). Je to malá částka v poměru s $3,000 (500-1000tix), za které si pořídíte Tier 1 deck. Některé decky jsou více známé ve své budget verzi - Reanimator, Infect, Dredge (Manaless verze), Death and Taxes (jedná se pak spíše o White Weenie) nebo Belcher. Nemodré decky jsou obvykle levnější (i když takový Lands.dec nebo Jund rozhodně levnější nejsou). Jejich cena se tak pohybuje kolem $1,500-$2,000 a taková cena může být jen těžko označena za 'budget' (na Magic Online je to trochu jinak, nemodré decky stále vyjdou na 500-900tixů).
Přehled vybraných Tier 1 decků
Teď bych ráda krátce představila nejhranější decky, které hráč může na turnaji potkat.
Nejhranějším deckem po dlouhou dobu byly Miracly. Jedná se o modro-bíly control, který splashuje červenou na karty jako jsou Red Elemental Blast nebo Blood Moon. Balík hraje Counterbalanci a Sensei's Divining Top. Kombinace těchto dvou karet na stole je pro některé decky smrtící. Ve většině případů však oponenta jen zpomalí a vygeneruje virtuální karetní výhodu. Proti deckům, co hrají Abrupt Decay tyto dvě karty moc nefungují a Counterbalance je často odsidována. Blood Moon je však slabina těchto decků.
Terminus a Entreat the Angels jsou Miracle spelly, podle kterých deck dostal své jméno. Tyto karty mohou být zahrány 'instantně' pokud je Sensei's Divining Top ve hře. V současné době Miracly obvykle hrají jednoho až dva Monastery Mentory. Tato karta umožňuje hru ukončit poměrně rychle za pomocí Sensei's Divining Top jako spellu, co se dá hrát pořád dokola a cantripů. Jace, the Mind Sculptor je velmi silná karta, která sama umí hru vyhrát. S Miracly se můžeme setkat ve dvou verzích. Jedna je více tradiční a hraje jen Snapcaster Mage jako jedinou bytost (případně Mentora) a druhá hraje Karakas a pár legendárních bytostí jako jsou Venser, Shaper Savant nebo Vendilion Clique. Poslední dobou Miracles hráči zkoušejí Nahiri, the Harbinger a mají v decku Emrakula jako jednu z možností jak vyhrát.
1 Containment Priest |
2 Monastery Mentor
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3 Vendilion Clique |
2 Flusterstorm |
2 Pyroblast
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2 Red Elemental Blast
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1 Surgical Extraction
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1 Moat
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You may pay 1 life and remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Force of Will's casting cost. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Counter target spell.
Put X 4/4 white Angel creature tokens with flying onto the battlefield. Miracle {X}{W}{W} (You may cast this card for its miracle cost when you draw it if it's the first card you drew this turn.)
Whenever an opponent plays a spell, you may reveal the top card of your library. If you do, counter that spell if it has the same converted mana cost as the revealed card.
Flash If a nontoken creature would enter the battlefield and it wasn't cast, exile it instead.
Will of the council — Starting with you, each player votes for a nonland permanent you don't control. Exile each permanent with the most votes or tied for most votes.
Prowess (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, this creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.) Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a 1/1 white Monk creature token with prowess onto the battlefield.
Put all creatures on the bottom of their owners' libraries. Miracle {W} (You may cast this card for its miracle cost when you draw it if it's the first card you drew this turn.)
{1}: Look at the top three cards of your library, then put them back in any order. {T}: Draw a card, then put Sensei's Divining Top on top of its owner's library.
Counter target spell if it is blue or destroy target permanent if it is blue.
Flash When Snapcaster Mage enters the battlefield, target instant or sorcery card in your graveyard gains flashback until end of turn. The flashback cost is equal to its mana cost. (You may cast that card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Non-flying creatures cannot attack.
({B/P} can be paid with either {B} or 2 life.) Choose target card in a graveyard other than a basic land card. Search its owner's graveyard, hand, and library for any number of cards with the same name as that card and exile them. Then that player shuffles his or her library.
Flash Flying When Vendilion Clique enters the battlefield, look at target player's hand. You may choose a nonland card from it. If you do, that player reveals the chosen card, puts it on the bottom of his or her library, then draws a card.
Counter target instant or sorcery spell unless its controller pays {1}. Storm (When you cast this spell, copy it for each spell cast before it this turn. You may choose new targets for the copies.)
Counts as both islands and mountains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {R} to your mana pool.
Counters target spell as it is being cast.
Counters a blue spell being cast or destroys a blue card in play.
Counts as both islands and plains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {W} to your mana pool.
Target creature is removed from game entirely; return to owner's deck only when game is over. Creature's controller gains life points equal to creature's power.
+2: Look at the top card of target player's library. You may put that card on the bottom of that player's library. 0: Draw three cards, then put two cards from your hand on top of your library in any order. -1: Return target creature to its owner's hand. -12: Exile all cards from target player's library, then that player shuffles his or her hand into his or her library.
({T}: Add {W}.)
({T}: Add {U}.)
({T}: Add {R}.)
Dalším z nejhranějších decků je tempo deck s označením Delver. Pod tímto archetypem se však nachází spousta dřívějších i současných decků. Jedná se o deck s modro-červeným základem (až na výjimku - BUG). Další barva může být jakákoliv ať už je to bílá kvůli kartám Stoneforge Mystic, Swords to Plowshares, Meddling Mage, černá kvůli kartám Cabal Therapy, Deathrite Shaman, Gurmag Angler nebo zelená kvůli kartám Tarmogoyf, Nimble Mongoose, Deathrite Shaman. Modro-červená verze je nejagresivnější a často vypadá spíše jako fritka než tempo deck (jako 2-dropy obvykle hraje Stormchaser Mage nebo Young Pyromancera). RUG verze hraje nejvíce disrupce a je druhou nejagresivnější verzí. BUG verze je více midrange, ale pořád se snaží být primárně agresorem. Největším mínusem tohoto decku je to, že nemá přístup k červené (a blesku). Všechen damage tak čistě záleží na bytostech. Grixis a 4c verze jsou nejkontrolnějšími verzemi. Jedná se o midrange, který má časnou hrozbu, ale může snadno hrát i roli controlu. Obecně všechny tyto decky se snaží zahrát brzo hrozbu v podobě Delvera, Tarmogoyfa, Young Pyromancera nebo Stormchaser Mage a pak se tuto kartu snaží udržet ve hře a zároveň narušovat oponentovu hru. Tyto decky hrají Force of Will a Daze jako své hlavní countery, Spell Pierce, Pyroblast nebo Stifle tvoří běžně podporu pro tyto counterspelly
Zack Witten
1 Ancient Grudge
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1 Disfigure
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1 Dismember
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2 Pyroblast
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2 Surgical Extraction
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1 Baleful Strix
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1 Grim Lavamancer
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1 Vendilion Clique |
1 Cabal Therapy |
1 Forked Bolt
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2 Painful Truths
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1 Pithing Needle
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You may pay 1 life and remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Force of Will's casting cost. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Counter target spell.
As True-Name Nemesis enters the battlefield, choose a player. True-Name Nemesis has protection from the chosen player. (This creature can't be blocked, targeted, dealt damage, or enchanted by anything controlled by that player.)
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.)
Counter target spell if it is blue or destroy target permanent if it is blue.
At the beginning of your upkeep, look at the top card of your library. You may reveal that card. If an instant or sorcery card is revealed this way, transform Delver of Secrets. ——— Flying
Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, put a 1/1 red Elemental creature token onto the battlefield.
You may return an island you control to its owner's hand instead of paying Daze's mana cost. Counter target spell unless its controller pays {1}.
({B/P} can be paid with either {B} or 2 life.) Choose target card in a graveyard other than a basic land card. Search its owner's graveyard, hand, and library for any number of cards with the same name as that card and exile them. Then that player shuffles his or her library.
Flying, deathtouch When Baleful Strix enters the battlefield, draw a card.
Name a nonland card. Target player reveals his or her hand and discards all cards with that name. Flashback-Sacrifice a creature. (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
Flash Flying When Vendilion Clique enters the battlefield, look at target player's hand. You may choose a nonland card from it. If you do, that player reveals the chosen card, puts it on the bottom of his or her library, then draws a card.
({B/P} can be paid with either {B} or 2 life.) Target creature gets -5/-5 until end of turn.
({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.) Look at target player's hand. Draw a card.
{T}: Exile target land card from a graveyard. Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. {B}, {T}: Exile target instant or sorcery card from a graveyard. Each opponent loses 2 life. {G}, {T}: Exile target creature card from a graveyard. You gain 2 life.
Forked Bolt deals 2 damage divided as you choose among one or two target creatures and/or players.
As Pithing Needle comes into play, name a card. Activated abilities of sources with the chosen name can't be played unless they're mana abilities.
Destroy target artifact. Flashback {G} (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
{R}, {T}, Remove two cards in your graveyard from the game: Grim Lavamancer deals 2 damage to target creature or player.
Counts as both islands and mountains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {R} to your mana pool.
Counts as both swamp and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {U} to your mana pool.
Counts as both forest and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {G} or {U} to your mana pool.
Lightning Bolt does 3 damage to one target.
Target creature gets -2/-2 until end of turn.
Eldrazi Aggro
Se sadou Oath of the Gatewatch se na všech formátech od dvojky po Vintage vyrojili Eldrazi. Legacy není výjimkou, a tak vznikl nový archetyp - Eldrazi Stompy. Jedná se o aggro hrající 4-6 manové Eldrazi spelly a spoustu karet, co narušují oponentovi hru - Wasteland, Thorn of Amethyst, Chalice of the Void (Sphere of Resistence když je třeba). Nejsilnější kartou decku je Thought-Knot Seer, který oponentovi exiluje kartu z ruky, když přijde do hry. Další Eldrazi otravou je Reality Smasher, který je 5/5 za 5 man, má Haste, Trample a abilitu, která život oponentovi ztíží ještě víc (když je Smasher zacílen spellem, musí hráč zahodit kartu, jinak bude spell zrušen). Aby tento deck byl schopen tyto karty hrát brzo, hraje tzv. sol země produkující dvě many City of Traitors, Ancient Tomb, Eldrazi Temple a Eye of Ugin. Aby to měli modří mágové ještě těžší, tak deck hraje i 3-4 Cavern of Souls, které umožňují hráči hrát Eldrazi spelly necounterovatelně.
2 All Is Dust
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1 Faerie Macabre
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4 Leyline of the Void
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2 Pithing Needle
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2 Ratchet Bomb
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2 Sphere of Resistance
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2 Thorn of Amethyst
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As Cavern of Souls enters the battlefield, choose a creature type. {T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {T}: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Spend this mana only to cast a creature spell of the chosen type, and that spell can't be countered.
If you play any land, sacrifice City of Traitors. {T}: Add two colorless mana to your mana pool.
All spells cost an additional {1} to play.
Noncreature spells cost {1} more to play.
{T}: Add one colorless mana to your mana pool. {1}, {T}: Target creature gains protection from artifacts until end of turn.
Chalice of the Void enters the battlefield with X charge counters on it. Whenever a player casts a spell with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Chalice of the Void, counter that spell.
Remove Simian Spirit Guide in your hand from the game: Add {R} to your mana pool.
Each land is a Swamp in addition to its other land types.
Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage, put two charge counters on Umezawa's Jitte. Remove a charge counter from Umezawa's Jitte: Choose one — Equipped creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn; or target creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn; or you gain 2 life. Equip {2}
({B/P} can be paid with either {B} or 2 life.) Target creature gets -5/-5 until end of turn.
{T}: Add one colorless mana to your mana pool. {1}: Mishra's Factory becomes an Assembly Worker, a 2/2 artifact creature, until end of turn. Assembly Worker still counts as a land but cannot be tapped for mana the turn it comes into play. {T}: Target Assembly Worker gets +1/+1 until end of turn.
Each player sacrifices all colored permanents he or she controls.
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {T}: Add {2} to your mana pool. Spend this mana only to cast colorless Eldrazi spells or activate abilities of colorless Eldrazi.
{T}: Put a charge counter on Ratchet Bomb. {T}, Sacrifice Ratchet Bomb: Destroy each nonland permanent with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Ratchet Bomb.
Flying Discard Faerie Macabre: Remove up to two target cards in graveyards from the game.
As Pithing Needle comes into play, name a card. Activated abilities of sources with the chosen name can't be played unless they're mana abilities.
If Leyline of the Void is in your opening hand, you may begin the game with it on the battlefield. If a card would be put into an opponent's graveyard from anywhere, exile it instead.
Nejhranějším Storm deckem je ANT (Ad Nauseam Tendrils). Tento balíček vyhrává na karty s mechanikou Storm. Obvykle se jedná o Tendrils of Agony jako primární win condition a Empty the Warrens jako sekundární win con. Hráč potřebuje vyrobit dost many na to, aby mohl zahrát několik spellů, najít Tendrily a zahrát je tzv. 'za smrt'. Deck se skládá z rituálů (Dark Ritual, Cabal Ritual), tutorů (Infernal Tutor, Dark Petition), discardu (Cabal Therapy, Duress), rychlé many (Lotus Petal, Lion's Eye Diamond), prolizu (Brainstorm, Ponder) a dvou velmi důležitých karet Ad Nauseam a Past in Flames (kromě zemí a tak). Obvykle je třeba zahrát nějaký ten discard, aby se pilot Stormu mohl zbavit Force of Will nebo jiného counterspellu (Stifle, Flusterstorm). Pak mu stačí zahrát pár rituálů, rychlé many, tutor na Past in Flames, znovu zahrát pár rituálu, tutor na Tendrily a Tendrils of Agony. ANT však není jediný deck využívající Storm mechaniku. Kromě velmi podobného decku nesoucí název The Epic Storm (TES) je zde například Belcher. To je deck, který hraje jen jednu zemi v decku, aby aktivace karty Goblin Charbelcher byla smrtící. K zahrání svých spellů tak využívá many ze Spirit Guide, rituálů a rychlé many. Po zahrání několika takových spellů buď deck zahraje a aktivuje Goblin Charbelcher nebo zahraje Empty the Warrens doufajíc, že oponent nemá na gobliny odpověď. Deck nemá přístup k jiné barvě než je červená a zelená a tak není schopen se bránit např. discardem.
4 Abrupt Decay
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2 Chain of Vapor
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2 Disfigure
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2 Hurkyl's Recall
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1 Cabal Therapy |
1 Empty the Warrens
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2 Carpet of Flowers
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1 Tropical Island
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Reveal a card from your hand. Search your library for a card with the same name as that card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library. Hellbent — If you have no cards in hand, instead search your library for a card, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.
Each instant and sorcery card in your graveyard gains flashback until end of turn. The flashback cost is equal to its mana cost. Flashback {4}{R} (You may cast this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Search your library for a card and put that card into your hand. Then shuffle your library. Spell mastery — If there are two or more instant and/or sorcery cards in your graveyard, add {B}{B}{B} to your mana pool.
Sacrifice Lion's Eye Diamond, Discard your hand: Add three mana of any one color to your mana pool. Play this ability as a mana source.
Return target nonland permanent to its owner's hand. Then that permanent's controller may sacrifice a land. If the player does, he or she may copy this spell and may choose a new target for that copy.
Name a nonland card. Target player reveals his or her hand and discards all cards with that name. Flashback-Sacrifice a creature. (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.) Look at target player's hand. Draw a card.
Abrupt Decay can't be countered by spells or abilities. Destroy target nonland permanent with converted mana cost 3 or less.
Target player loses 2 life and you gain 2 life. Storm (When you play this spell, copy it for each spell played before it this turn. You may choose new targets for the copies.)
Reveal the top card of your library and put that card into your hand. You lose life equal to its converted mana cost. You may repeat this process any number of times.
Sacrifice Lotus Petal: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Play this ability as a mana source.
Return all artifacts target player owns to his or her hand.
Put two 1/1 red Goblin creature tokens into play. Storm (When you play this spell, copy it for each spell played before it this turn.)
Add {B}{B}{B} to your mana pool. Threshold - Instead add {B}{B}{B}{B}{B} to your mana pool. (You have threshold if seven or more cards are in your graveyard.)
Counts as both islands and mountains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {R} to your mana pool.
Counts as both swamp and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {U} to your mana pool.
Counts as both forest and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {G} or {U} to your mana pool.
Add {B}{B}{B} to your mana pool.
During your main phase, you may add up to X mana of one color to your mana pool, where X is the number of islands target opponent controls.
Each land you control gains "Sacrifice this land: Add {B} to your mana pool" until end of turn.
Target creature gets -2/-2 until end of turn.
Target opponent reveals their hand. You choose a noncreature, nonland card from it. That player discards that card.
({T}: Add {U}.)
({T}: Add {B}.)
Show and Tell
Pod tímto označení se schovává několik decků. Nejběžnější mezi Tier 1 decky je Sneak and Show, který hraje Sneak Attack jako další možnost jak do hry dostat Griselbranda nebo Emrakula. Jiné Show and Telly (Omni-Tell) využívají Omniscience k tomu, aby si mohly zahrát cokoliv a našly tak svoji win condition. Buď tak mohou zahrát Emrakula a získat rovnou kolo navíc nebo si přes Cunning Wish mohou najít Release the Ants (s Emrakulem na vrchu knihovny) a upálit soupeře k smrti. Tyto decky se někdy proplétají - deck hrající Omniscience nemusí nutně zabíjet přes Release the Ants, ale může být jen varianta Sneak and Show. Deck, který ale ukáže černou (Underground Sea, Thoughtseize) však bude velmi pravděpodobně zabíjet mravenci.
Niels Noorlander
3 Blood Moon
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1 Flusterstorm |
2 Pyroblast
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2 Sudden Shock
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3 Through the Breach |
1 Wipe Away
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2 Grafdigger's Cage
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1 Pyroclasm
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You may pay 1 life and remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Force of Will's casting cost. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Counter target spell.
Put a creature card from your hand into play. That creature has haste. Sacrifice that creature at end of turn. Splice onto Arcane {2}{R}{R} (As you play an Arcane spell, you may reveal this card from your hand and pay its splice cost. If you do, add this card's effects to that spell.)
If you play any land, sacrifice City of Traitors. {T}: Add two colorless mana to your mana pool.
Counter target spell if it is blue or destroy target permanent if it is blue.
({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.) Look at target player's hand. Draw a card.
Counter target instant or sorcery spell unless its controller pays {1}. Storm (When you cast this spell, copy it for each spell cast before it this turn. You may choose new targets for the copies.)
Flying, lifelink Pay 7 life: Draw seven cards.
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn can't be countered. When you cast Emrakul, take an extra turn after this one. Flying, protection from colored spells, annihilator 6 When Emrakul is put into a graveyard from anywhere, its owner shuffles his or her graveyard into his or her library.
Sacrifice Lotus Petal: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Play this ability as a mana source.
Pyroclasm deals 2 damage to each creature.
All non-basic lands are now basic mountains.
Split second (As long as this spell is on the stack, players can't play spells or activated abilities that aren't mana abilities.) Sudden Shock deals 2 damage to target creature or player.
Split second (As long as this spell is on the stack, players can't play spells or activated abilities that aren't mana abilities.) Return target permanent to its owner's hand.
Counts as both islands and mountains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {R} to your mana pool.
Each player may choose an artifact, creature, enchantment, or land card in his or her hand and put that permanent into play.
{R}: Choose a creature card from your hand and put that creature into play. The creature is unaffected by summoning sickness. At end of turn, sacrifice the creature.
+2: Look at the top card of target player's library. You may put that card on the bottom of that player's library. 0: Draw three cards, then put two cards from your hand on top of your library in any order. -1: Return target creature to its owner's hand. -12: Exile all cards from target player's library, then that player shuffles his or her hand into his or her library.
Creature cards in graveyards and libraries can't enter the battlefield. Players can't cast spells from graveyards or libraries.
({T}: Add {U}.)
({T}: Add {R}.)
BGx Midrange
Pod označením BGx midrange jsem zařadila dva decky. Prvím je (v současné době) populárnější modrá verze známá jako Shardless BUG. Druhým deckem je Jund, který jako třetí barvu hraje červenou. Oba tyto decky jsou Card Advantage decky. Shardless BUG je pomalejší verze a karetní výhodu, ať už reálnou nebo virtuální, získává postupně po menších krocích než Jund, ale díky přístupu k modré je schopnější v boji proti combo deckům. To však nemění nic na tom, že combo decky jsou pro Shardless BUG velkou hrozbou. Jako každý midrange deck, Shardless BUG hraje všechny dobré karty, co má k dispozici - Deathrite Shaman, Tarmogoyf, Liliana of the Veil, Jace, the Mind Sculptor. Shardless BUG je postaven kolem karty Shardless Agent, za jejíž pomoci může 'kaskádovat' do spellů s CMC 2 nebo méně. Brainstorm a Jace, the Mind Scultor někdy mohou kaskádu připravit. Shardless BUG je snad jediný deck, který umí na Legacy dobře využít kartu Ancestral Vision.
Jund je agresivnější midrange deck. Nehraje modrou a tak se brání jen discardem a artefakty což znamená, že proti kombům to má ještě horší než Shardless BUG. Červená barva Jundu umožňuje hrát Lightning Bolt, Punishing Fire a Bloodbraid Elfa - anti-Jace, anti-control kartu číslo 1. Red Elemental Blast v sideboardu potrápí spoustu modrých decků.
MKM Frankfurt Series
You may pay 1 life and remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Force of Will's casting cost. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Counter target spell.
As an additional cost to cast Toxic Deluge, pay X life. All creatures get -X/-X until end of turn.
Target player discards two cards at random.
+1: Each player discards a card. -2: Target player sacrifices a creature. -6: Separate all permanents target player controls into two piles. That player sacrifices all permanents in the pile of his or her choice.
Tarmogoyf's power is equal to the number of card types among cards in all graveyards and its toughness is equal to that number plus 1.
({B/P} can be paid with either {B} or 2 life.) Choose target card in a graveyard other than a basic land card. Search its owner's graveyard, hand, and library for any number of cards with the same name as that card and exile them. Then that player shuffles his or her library.
Flying, deathtouch When Baleful Strix enters the battlefield, draw a card.
Cascade (When you cast this spell, exile cards from the top of your library until you exile a nonland card that costs less. You may cast it without paying its mana cost. Put the exiled cards on the bottom in a random order.)
Destroy target nonland permanent and all other permanents with the same name as that permanent.
Flash Flying When Vendilion Clique enters the battlefield, look at target player's hand. You may choose a nonland card from it. If you do, that player reveals the chosen card, puts it on the bottom of his or her library, then draws a card.
({B/P} can be paid with either {B} or 2 life.) Target creature gets -5/-5 until end of turn.
Return up to three target land cards from your graveyard to your hand. Dredge 3 (If you would draw a card, instead you may put exactly three cards from the top of your library into your graveyard. If you do, return this card from your graveyard to your hand. Otherwise, draw a card.)
You may draw two extra cards during your draw phase. If you do so, put two of the cards drawn this turn back on top of your library (in any order) or pay 4 life per card not replaced. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life.
Abrupt Decay can't be countered by spells or abilities. Destroy target nonland permanent with converted mana cost 3 or less.
{T}: Exile target land card from a graveyard. Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. {B}, {T}: Exile target instant or sorcery card from a graveyard. Each opponent loses 2 life. {G}, {T}: Exile target creature card from a graveyard. You gain 2 life.
{T}, Sacrifice Nihil Spellbomb: Exile all cards from target player's graveyard. When Nihil Spellbomb is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you may pay {B}. If you do, draw a card.
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card. You lose 2 life.
Ancestral Vision is blue. Suspend 4—{U} (Rather than play this card from your hand, pay {U} and remove it from the game with four time counters on it. At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter. When the last is removed, play it without paying its mana cost.) Target player draws three cards.
Counts as both swamp and forest and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {G} to your mana pool.
Counts as both swamp and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {U} to your mana pool.
Counts as both forest and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {G} or {U} to your mana pool.
Players cannot play any artifact abilities requiring an activation cost.
Creeping Tar Pit enters the battlefield tapped. {T}: Add {U} or {B} to your mana pool. {1}{U}{B}: Until end of turn, Creeping Tar Pit becomes a 3/2 blue and black Elemental creature and is unblockable. It's still a land.
+2: Look at the top card of target player's library. You may put that card on the bottom of that player's library. 0: Draw three cards, then put two cards from your hand on top of your library in any order. -1: Return target creature to its owner's hand. -12: Exile all cards from target player's library, then that player shuffles his or her hand into his or her library.
Target creature gets -2/-2 until end of turn.
Creature cards in graveyards and libraries can't enter the battlefield. Players can't cast spells from graveyards or libraries.
({T}: Add {B}.)
Lands je velmi zvláštní deck, protože se skládá z větší časti jen ze zemí. Na první pohled to tak nemusí vypadat, ale jedná se o prison deck. Hraje Wasteland, Rishadan Port, The Tabernacle of the Pendrell Vale, Maze of Ith, Glacial Chasm. Vyhrává na Dark Depths a Thespian's Stage combo, které umí vytvořit Marit Lage za tapnutí jedné země a připlacení dvou man. Pokud tento plán nevyjde kvůli odstranění jedné z těchto zemí ze hry, deck má stále přístup k Punishing Firu a Grove of the Burnwillows. Zabití střílením po jedničkách sice nějakou dobu trvá, ale funguje to také. Deck hraje 30+ (až 43) zemí, tutory (Gamble, Crop Rotation), Life from the Loam kvůli rekurzi zemí a jejich hledání, a Exploration k urychlení.
William Laxton
1 Ancient Grudge
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4 Krosan Grip
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2 Chalice of the Void
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4 Sphere of Resistance
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2 Choke
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1 Molten Vortex
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1 Karakas |
Dark Depths comes into play with ten ice counters on it. {3}: Remove an ice counter from Dark Depths. When Dark Depths has no ice counters on it, sacrifice it. If you do, put an indestructible legendary 20/20 black Avatar creature token with flying named Marit Lage into play.
All spells cost an additional {1} to play.
During your discard phase, you may choose to put all land cards from your hand into play. If you do, discard the rest of your hand.
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {PT}: Add {R} or {G} to your mana pool. Each opponent gains 1 life.
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {2}, {T}: Thespian's Stage becomes a copy of target land and gains this ability.
Cumulative Upkeep: 2 life When Glacial Chasm comes into play, sacrifice a land. You cannot attack. All damage dealt to you is reduced to 0.
All creatures now require an upkeep cost of {1} in addition to any other upkeep costs they may have. If the upkeep cost for a creature is not paid, the creature is destroyed.
{R}, Discard a land card: Molten Vortex deals 2 damage to target creature or player.
{T}: Add one colorless mana to your mana pool. {1}, {T}: Tap target land.
Chalice of the Void enters the battlefield with X charge counters on it. Whenever a player casts a spell with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Chalice of the Void, counter that spell.
Tranquil Thicket comes into play tapped. {T}: Add {G} to your mana pool. Cycling {G} ({G}, Discard this card from your hand: Draw a card.)
{T}: Add {W} to your mana pool. {T}: Return target legendary creature to its owner's hand.
Return up to three target land cards from your graveyard to your hand. Dredge 3 (If you would draw a card, instead you may put exactly three cards from the top of your library into your graveyard. If you do, return this card from your graveyard to your hand. Otherwise, draw a card.)
When Mox Diamond comes into play, choose and discard a land card or sacrifice Mox Diamond. {T}: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Play this ability as a mana source.
Islands do not untap during their controllers' untap phases.
{T}: Target attacking creature becomes untapped. This creature neither deals nor receives damage as a result of combat.
Destroy target artifact. Flashback {G} (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
Counts as both forest and mountains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {G} or {R} to your mana pool.
At the time you play Crop Rotation, sacrifice a land. Search your library for a land card and put that land into play. Shuffle your library afterwards.
Search your library for a card, put that card into your hand, then discard a card at random. Shuffle your library afterward.
You may play an additional land each turn.
Bojuka Bog enters the battlefield tapped. When Bojuka Bog enters the battlefield, exile all cards from target player's graveyard. {T}: Add {B} to your mana pool.
Punishing Fire deals 2 damage to target creature or player. Whenever an opponent gains life, you may pay {R}. If you do, return Punishing Fire from your graveyard to your hand.
({T}: Add {G}.)
Dredge je jedním z nejsnáze pořiditelných decků na Legacy. Jedná se však o neinteraktivní deck. Dredge potřebuje dostat karty do hrobu např. přes Breakthrough, Faithless Looting, Careful Study nebo Lion's Eye Diamond. Jakmile se do hrobu dostane nějaká karta s Dredge abilitou, může pilot Dredge začít dredgovat a odemlít tak karty, které potřebuje k výhře - Cabal Therapy, Bridge from Below, Dread Return, Flame-Kin Zealor/Flayer of the Hatebound. Deck obvykle zabíjí na hordu zombií vytvořených kartou Bridge from Below nebo díky Flayer of the Hatebound - ďáblíkovi, který přes zreanimovaného Golgari Grave-Trolla umí vystřelit za smrt do oponenta.
Mike Kerby
2 Ancient Grudge
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2 Firestorm
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1 Memory's Journey
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4 Nature's Claim
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2 Dread Return
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3 Faerie Macabre
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1 Iona, Shield of Emeria
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Target player shuffles up to three target cards from his or her graveyard into his or her library. Flashback {G} (You may cast this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)
Sacrifice Lion's Eye Diamond, Discard your hand: Add three mana of any one color to your mana pool. Play this ability as a mana source.
Flying When Narcomoeba is put into your graveyard from your library, you may put it onto the battlefield.
Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below is in your graveyard, put a 2/2 black Zombie creature token onto the battlefield. When a creature is put into an opponent's graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below is in your graveyard, exile Bridge from Below.
Swampwalk Cycling—Pay 2 life. (Pay 2 life, Discard this card: Draw a card.)
{T}: Add {U} to your mana pool. Cephalid Coliseum deals 1 damage to you. Threshold - {U}, {T}, Sacrifice Cephalid Coliseum: Target player draws three cards, then discards three cards from his or her hand. (Play this ability only if seven or more cards are in your graveyard.)
Draw two cards, then discard two cards from your hand.
Name a nonland card. Target player reveals his or her hand and discards all cards with that name. Flashback-Sacrifice a creature. (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
When Golgari Thug is put into a graveyard from play, put target creature card in your graveyard on top of your library. Dredge 4 (If you would draw a card, instead you may put exactly 4 cards from the top of your library into your graveyard. If you do, return this card from your graveyard to your hand. Otherwise, draw a card.)
Golgari Grave-Troll comes into play with a +1/+1 counter on it for each creature card in your graveyard. {1}, Remove a +1/+1 counter from Golgari Grave-Troll: Regenerate Golgari Grave-Troll. Dredge 6
Flying Whenever Stinkweed Imp deals combat damage to a creature, destroy that creature. Dredge 5 (If you would draw a card, instead you may put exactly five cards from the top of your library into your graveyard. If you do, return this card from your graveyard to your hand. Otherwise, draw a card.)
Flying Discard Faerie Macabre: Remove up to two target cards in graveyards from the game.
Flying When Ashen Rider enters the battlefield or dies, exile target permanent.
Destroy target artifact. Flashback {G} (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
Return target creature card from your graveyard to play. Flashback—Sacrifice three creatures. (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
Draw four cards, then choose X cards in your hand and discard the rest from it.
Haste At end of turn, sacrifice Ichorid. At the beginning of your upkeep, if Ichorid is in your graveyard, you may remove a black creature card in your graveyard other than Ichorid from the game. If you do, return Ichorid to play.
When Gemstone Mine comes into play, put three mining counters on it. {T}, Remove a mining counter from Gemstone Mine: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. If there are no mining counters on Gemstone Mine, bury it.
Choose and discard X cards: Firestorm deals X damage to each of X target creatures and/or players.
Destroy target artifact or enchantment. Its controller gains 4 life.
Flying As Iona, Shield of Emeria enters the battlefield, choose a color. Your opponents can't cast spells of the chosen color.
Infect je další z decků, který se dá hrát v budget verzi. Jeho plán je jednoduchý - zahrát bytost s Infectem a oponenta jedním útokem zabít za pomocí třeba Invigorate a Berserku nebo jiné kombinace 'myšek'. Deck hraje counterování a karty na ochranu svých bytostí.
Clay Spicklemire
1 Bojuka Bog
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1 Wasteland
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2 Flusterstorm |
1 Force of Will
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2 Krosan Grip
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2 Nature's Claim
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2 Submerge
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1 Surgical Extraction
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1 Grafdigger's Cage
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1 Spellskite
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1 Viridian Corrupter
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You may pay 1 life and remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Force of Will's casting cost. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Counter target spell.
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.) Target creature gets +6/+6 until end of turn.
If you control a forest, you may have an opponent gain 3 life instead of paying Invigorate's mana cost. Target creature gets +4/+4 until end of turn.
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {1}: Inkmoth Nexus becomes a 1/1 Blinkmoth artifact creature with flying and infect until end of turn. It's still a land. (It deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters and to players in the form of poison counters.)
Infect (This creature deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters and to players in the form of poison counters.) When Viridian Corrupter enters the battlefield, destroy target artifact.
If an opponent controls a forest and you control an island, you may play Submerge without paying its mana cost. Put target creature on top of its owner's library.
You may return an island you control to its owner's hand instead of paying Daze's mana cost. Counter target spell unless its controller pays {1}.
Infect (This creature deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters and to players in the form of poison counters.) Blighted Agent is unblockable.
({B/P} can be paid with either {B} or 2 life.) Choose target card in a graveyard other than a basic land card. Search its owner's graveyard, hand, and library for any number of cards with the same name as that card and exile them. Then that player shuffles his or her library.
{U/P}: Change a target of target spell or ability to Spellskite. ({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.)
Infect (This creature deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters and to players in the form of poison counters.)
({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.) Look at target player's hand. Draw a card.
Counter target instant or sorcery spell unless its controller pays {1}. Storm (When you cast this spell, copy it for each spell cast before it this turn. You may choose new targets for the copies.)
Exalted (Whenever a creature you control attacks alone, that creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.) {T}: Add {G}, {W}, or {U} to your mana pool.
You may draw two extra cards during your draw phase. If you do so, put two of the cards drawn this turn back on top of your library (in any order) or pay 4 life per card not replaced. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life.
{T}: Add {G} to your mana pool. {T}: Target 1/1 creature gets +1/+2 until end of turn.
Counts as both forest and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {G} or {U} to your mana pool.
Until end of turn, target creature's current power doubles and it gains trample ability. If it attacks, target creature is destroyed at end of turn. This spell cannot be cast after current turn's attack is completed.
At the time you play Crop Rotation, sacrifice a land. Search your library for a land card and put that land into play. Shuffle your library afterwards.
Bojuka Bog enters the battlefield tapped. When Bojuka Bog enters the battlefield, exile all cards from target player's graveyard. {T}: Add {B} to your mana pool.
Destroy target artifact or enchantment. Its controller gains 4 life.
Kicker {G} (You may pay an additional {G} as you cast this spell.) Target creature can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control this turn. If Vines of Vastwood was kicked, that creature gets +4/+4 until end of turn.
Creature cards in graveyards and libraries can't enter the battlefield. Players can't cast spells from graveyards or libraries.
({T}: Add {G}.)
Víceméně každý formát má nějakou podobu fritky (na Vintage s ní moc nepochodíte). Obvykle se jedná o levný a funkční deck (avšak jeho účinnost závisí na metagame). Dost začínajících hráčů s Legacy šáhne právě po tomto decku. S postupem času se snaží si pořídit modré karty, aby mohli hrát alespoň UR Delvera. Fritka se jednoduše snaží dát, co nejvíce damage za co nejkratší dobu. Vzhledem k tomu, že spousta decků v současné době má dost 'greedy' mana base, stává se tak karta Price of Progress nejlepším bleskem na formátu. I Fireblast zahraný za svoji alternativní cenu může kdekoho zničehonic potrápit a dost často i zabít.
Ryan Lott
2 Ensnaring Bridge
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2 Relic of Progenitus
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3 Exquisite Firecraft
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2 Pyrostatic Pillar
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2 Searing Blood
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2 Smash to Smithereens
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2 Vexing Shusher
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Searing Blood deals 2 damage to target creature. When that creature dies this turn, Searing Blood deals 3 damage to the creature's controller.
{1}: Look at the top three cards of your library, then put them back in any order. {T}: Draw a card, then put Sensei's Divining Top on top of its owner's library.
Whenever a player casts a spell with converted mana cost 3 or less, Eidolon of the Great Revel deals 2 damage to that player.
Exquisite Firecraft deals 4 damage to target creature or player. Spell mastery — If there are two or more instant and/or sorcery cards in your graveyard, Exquisite Firecraft can't be countered by spells or abilities.
Lava Spike deals 3 damage to target player.
{T}: Add {R} to your mana pool. Barbarian Ring deals 1 damage to you. Threshold — {R}, {T}, Sacrifice Barbarian Ring: Barbarian Ring deals 2 damage to target creature or player. Activate this ability only if seven or more cards are in your graveyard.
Chain Lightning deals 3 damage to target creature or player. Then that player or that creature's controller may pay {R}{R}. If the player does, he or she may copy this spell and may choose a new target for that copy.
Price of Progress deals damage to each player equal to twice the number of nonbasic lands that player controls.
Whenever a player plays a spell with converted mana cost 3 or less, Pyrostatic Pillar deals 2 damage to that player.
Vexing Shusher can't be countered. {R/G}: Target spell can't be countered by spells or abilities.
Destroy target artifact. Smash to Smithereens deals 3 damage to that artifact's controller.
{T}: Target player removes a card in his or her graveyard from the game. {1}, Remove Relic of Progenitus from the game: Remove all graveyards from the game. Draw a card.
At the beginning of each player's upkeep, Sulfuric Vortex deals 2 damage to that player. If a player would gain life, that player gains no life instead.
Each creature with power greater than the number of cards in your hand cannot attack.
Rift Bolt deals 3 damage to target creature or player. Suspend 1—{R} (Rather than play this card from your hand, you may pay {R} and remove it from the game with a time counter on it. At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter. When the last is removed, play it without paying its mana cost.)
{R}, {T}, Remove two cards in your graveyard from the game: Grim Lavamancer deals 2 damage to target creature or player.
Lightning Bolt does 3 damage to one target.
You may sacrifice two mountains instead of paying Fireblast's casting cost. Fireblast deals 4 damage to target creature or player.
Searing Blaze deals 1 damage to target player and 1 damage to target creature that player controls. Landfall — If you had a land enter the battlefield under your control this turn, Searing Blaze deals 3 damage to that player and 3 damage to that creature instead.
Haste Whenever Goblin Guide attacks, defending player reveals the top card of his or her library. If it's a land card, that player puts it into his or her hand.
({T}: Add {R}.)
Na Legacy se hraje i jeden potvorový combo deck. Jedná se o tribal deck a nečekaně se mu říká - Elves. Tento deck hraje spoustu elfů, kteří obvykle produkují manu. Za pomoci Glimpse of Nature může hráč Elfů prolízat velkou část knihovny a najít tak buď Natural Order nebo Craterhoof Behemotha. Tento deck je velmi rychlý a může zabít i v druhém kole. Pokud deck z nějakého důvodu nemůže přes Order/Behemotha zabít, pořád může 'upinkat' přes několik aktivací Deathrite Shamana za kolo (zde pomáhá Quirion Ranger) nebo prostě několika útoky hromadou 1/1ček.
3 Abrupt Decay
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2 Surgical Extraction
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3 Cabal Therapy |
2 Thoughtseize
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1 Karakas |
1 Null Rod
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2 Pithing Needle
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1 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
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As Cavern of Souls enters the battlefield, choose a creature type. {T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {T}: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Spend this mana only to cast a creature spell of the chosen type, and that spell can't be countered.
Haste When Craterhoof Behemoth enters the battlefield, creatures you control gain trample and get +X/+X until end of turn, where X is the number of creatures you control.
Whenever you play a creature spell this turn, draw a card.
First strike Noncreature spells cost {1} more to cast.
Nettle Sentinel doesn't untap during your untap step. Whenever you play a green spell, you may untap Nettle Sentinel.
(Dryad Arbor isn't a spell, it's affected by summoning sickness, and it has "{T}: Add {G} to your mana pool.") Dryad Arbor is green.
Noncreature spells with converted mana cost 4 or greater can't be played. Noncreature spells with {X} in their mana costs can't be played.
{G}: Exile target card from a graveyard. If it was a creature card, put a +1/+1 counter on Scavenging Ooze and you gain 1 life.
When Reclamation Sage enters the battlefield, you may destroy target artifact or enchantment.
When Shaman of the Pack enters the battlefield, target opponent loses life equal to the number of Elves you control.
Search your library for a green creature card with converted mana cost X or less, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library. Shuffle Green Sun's Zenith into its owner's library.
Tap three untapped Elves you control: Add {G}{G}{G} to your mana pool.
({B/P} can be paid with either {B} or 2 life.) Choose target card in a graveyard other than a basic land card. Search its owner's graveyard, hand, and library for any number of cards with the same name as that card and exile them. Then that player shuffles his or her library.
Tap two untapped Elves you control: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Morph {G} (You may play this face down as a 2/2 creature for {3}. Turn it face up any time for its morph cost.)
Name a nonland card. Target player reveals his or her hand and discards all cards with that name. Flashback-Sacrifice a creature. (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
Champion an Elf (When this comes into play, sacrifice it unless you remove another Elf you control from the game. When this leaves play, that card returns to play.) {2}{G}: Put a 2/2 green Wolf creature token into play. Each Wolf you control has deathtouch. (When it deals damage to a creature, destroy that creature.)
{T}: Add {W} to your mana pool. {T}: Return target legendary creature to its owner's hand.
You may draw two extra cards during your draw phase. If you do so, put two of the cards drawn this turn back on top of your library (in any order) or pay 4 life per card not replaced. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life.
Abrupt Decay can't be countered by spells or abilities. Destroy target nonland permanent with converted mana cost 3 or less.
{T}: Exile target land card from a graveyard. Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. {B}, {T}: Exile target instant or sorcery card from a graveyard. Each opponent loses 2 life. {G}, {T}: Exile target creature card from a graveyard. You gain 2 life.
Return an Elf you control to its owner's hand: Untap target creature. Play this ability only once each turn.
As Pithing Needle comes into play, name a card. Activated abilities of sources with the chosen name can't be played unless they're mana abilities.
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card. You lose 2 life.
{T}: Add {G} to your mana pool. {T}: Target 1/1 creature gets +1/+2 until end of turn.
Counts as both swamp and forest and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {G} to your mana pool.
Counts as both plains and forest and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {W} or {G} to your mana pool.
Tap to add green mana to your mana pool. This tap can be played as an interrupt.
At the time you play Crop Rotation, sacrifice a land. Search your library for a land card and put that land into play. Shuffle your library afterwards.
{T}: Add {G} to your mana pool for each creature you control.
Return a forest you control to owner's hand: Untap target creature. Use this ability only once each turn.
Players cannot play any artifact abilities requiring an activation cost.
({T}: Add {G}.)
Reanimator je další deck, který je spíš viděn v budget verzi. Normální verze je modro-černá. Ta hraje Underground Sea, Force of Will a Show and Tell což jsou dosti drahé karty. Hráči, kteří nemají přístup k těmto kartám tak obvykle hrají černou verzi obvykle se splashí na červenou kvůli např. Faithless Lootingu.
Robert Cucunato
1 Ashen Rider
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1 Coffin Purge
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1 Contagion |
1 Pyroblast
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1 Red Elemental Blast
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2 Spell Pierce
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1 Massacre
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3 Show and Tell
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2 Thoughtseize
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2 Pithing Needle
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You may pay 1 life and remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead of paying Force of Will's casting cost. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Counter target spell.
You may pay 1 life and remove a black card in your hand from the game rather than pay Contagion's mana cost. Put two -2/-1 counters, distributed as you choose, on one or two target creatures.
Flying Whenever you play a spell, return target permanent to its owner's hand.
Counter target spell if it is blue or destroy target permanent if it is blue.
Sacrifice Hapless Researcher: Draw a card, then discard a card from your hand.
If an opponent controls a plains and you control a swamp, you may play Massacre without paying its mana cost. All creatures get -2/-2 until end of turn.
You may return an island you control to its owner's hand instead of paying Daze's mana cost. Counter target spell unless its controller pays {1}.
Vigilance Other creatures you control get +2/+2. Creatures your opponents control get -2/-2.
Remove target card in a graveyard from the game. Flashback {B} (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
Draw two cards, then discard two cards from your hand.
Islandwalk, trample, shroud
Search your library for a card and put that card into your graveyard. Then shuffle your library.
Flying, lifelink Pay 7 life: Draw seven cards.
Choose one — Counter target noncreature spell unless its controller pays {2}; or Izzet Charm deals 2 damage to target creature; or draw two cards, then discard two cards.
Sacrifice Lotus Petal: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Play this ability as a mana source.
Put target creature card from any graveyard into play under your control. Lose life equal to that creature's total casting cost.
As Pithing Needle comes into play, name a card. Activated abilities of sources with the chosen name can't be played unless they're mana abilities.
Flying When Ashen Rider enters the battlefield or dies, exile target permanent.
Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card. You lose 2 life.
Counts as both islands and mountains and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {U} or {R} to your mana pool.
Counts as both mountains and swamp and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {R} or {B} to your mana pool.
Counters a blue spell being cast or destroys a blue card in play.
Counts as both swamp and islands and is affected by spells that affect either. Tap to add either {B} or {U} to your mana pool.
Any creature in either player's graveyard comes into play on your side with -1 to its original power. If this enchantment is removed, or at end of game, target creature is returned to its owner's graveyard. Target creature may be killed as normal.
Each player may choose an artifact, creature, enchantment, or land card in his or her hand and put that permanent into play.
Each player chooses a creature card in his or her graveyard and puts that creature into play.
Flying As Iona, Shield of Emeria enters the battlefield, choose a color. Your opponents can't cast spells of the chosen color.
({T}: Add {U}.)
({T}: Add {B}.)
Death and Taxes
Spousta hráčů tomuto decku říká White Weenie a myslí si, že se jedná o jednoduché bíle aggro. Není tomu tak. Jedná se o prison/control deck, který však používá bytosti k tomu, aby ovlivňoval hru. Deck se snaží oponentovi kazit plán hry zdražováním jeho spellů nebo bořením zemí. Mezitím, co se oponent snaží dostat přes Mother of Runes nebo Thalii, Guardian of Thraben může Death and Taxes hráč zahrát Stoneforge Mystica a najít si Batterskull. Položením této karty do hry často (první) hra končí. Deck hraje Aether Vial, aby mohl bytosti necounterovatelně a bez placení costu dostat do hry. S Vialem ve hře tak může navíc za pomoci Wastelandů a Rishadan Portů narušovat oponentovu mana base od druhého kola. Deck je postaven tak, aby potrápil a potrestal modré mágy.
Michael Derczo
2 Council's Judgment |
3 Ethersworn Canonist
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2 Kor Firewalker
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2 Path to Exile
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1 Warping Wail
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1 Pithing Needle
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1 Sword of War and Peace
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3 Rest in Peace
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As Cavern of Souls enters the battlefield, choose a creature type. {T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {T}: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Spend this mana only to cast a creature spell of the chosen type, and that spell can't be countered.
Will of the council — Starting with you, each player votes for a nonland permanent you don't control. Exile each permanent with the most votes or tied for most votes.
First strike Noncreature spells cost {1} more to cast.
{T}: Add one colorless mana to your mana pool. {1}, {T}: Tap target land.
As Phyrexian Revoker enters the battlefield, name a nonland card. Activated abilities of sources with the chosen name can't be activated.
Flying When Flickerwisp enters the battlefield, exile another target permanent. Return that card to the battlefield under its owner's control at the beginning of the next end step.
At the beginning of your upkeep, you may put a charge counter on ?ther Vial. {T}: You may put a creature card with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on ?ther Vial from your hand onto the battlefield.
Double strike, protection from black and from green
Equipped creature gets +2/+2 and has protection from red and from white. Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage to a player, Sword of War and Peace deals damage to that player equal to the number of cards in his or her hand and you gain 1 life for each card in your hand. Equip {2}
Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage, put two charge counters on Umezawa's Jitte. Remove a charge counter from Umezawa's Jitte: Choose one — Equipped creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn; or target creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn; or you gain 2 life. Equip {2}
Equipped creature gets +2/+2 and has protection from red and from blue. Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage to a player, Sword of Fire and Ice deals 2 damage to target creature or player and you draw a card.
{T}: Add {W} to your mana pool. {T}: Return target legendary creature to its owner's hand.
Living weapon (When this Equipment enters the battlefield, put a 0/0 black Germ creature token onto the battlefield, then attach this to it.) Equipped creature gets +4/+4 and has vigilance and lifelink. {3}: Return Batterskull to its owner's hand. Equip {5}
When Rest in Peace enters the battlefield, exile all cards from all graveyards. If a card or token would be put into a graveyard from anywhere, exile it instead.
Each player who has played a nonartifact spell this turn can't play additional nonartifact spells.
As Pithing Needle comes into play, name a card. Activated abilities of sources with the chosen name can't be played unless they're mana abilities.
{T}: Add {W} to your mana pool. When Flagstones of Trokair is put into a graveyard from play, you may search your library for a Plains card and put it into play tapped. If you do, shuffle your library.
{T}: Remove Mangara of Corondor and target permanent from the game.
You can't play Serra Avenger during your first, second, or third turns of the game. Flying, vigilance
Target creature is removed from game entirely; return to owner's deck only when game is over. Creature's controller gains life points equal to creature's power.
{T}: Target creature you control gains protection from a color of your choice until end of turn.
Exile target creature. Its controller may search his or her library for a basic land card, put that card onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle his or her library.
Protection from red Whenever a player casts a red spell, you may gain 1 life.
When Stoneforge Mystic enters the battlefield, you may search your library for an Equipment card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library. {1}{W}, {T}: You may put an Equipment card from your hand onto the battlefield.
({T}: Add {W}.)
Slovo závěrem
Jsem si jistá, že vás tento článek přesvědčil o tom, že je Legacy velmi rozmanitý formát, který dává hráčům prostor na to, postavit si kdejaký deck. Je zde spousta decků, které čekají na jejich objevení, ať už budou obsahovat karty jen staré nebo i nové. Hráč se může rozhodnou pro hraní Legacy i proto, že si rád zahraje deck, který rád kdysi hrával, a tak si zavzpomínal na 'staré dobré časy'. Můžu jen doufat v to, že Eternal Masters nejenom zvedne povědomí o starších formátech, ale také umožní hráčům pořídit si karty na tento formát, aby si ho mohli vyzkoušet a nechat se uchvátit jeho složitostí, nekonečnými deckbuildingovými možnostmi nebo jeho úžasnou komunitou jak v reálu tak online.
03.06.2016 08:40
Super článek, díky.
1 hlas
03.06.2016 09:52
Článek super - o legacy si přečtu něco rád, ať jde o věci pro začátečníka nebo zkušenějšího hráče. Navíc je text aj čtivý! Takže jednoznačně palec hore!
O to víc zamrzí fušeřina ze strany editora: Proč dva prakticky shodné články během 10 dnů? Význam? To nevíte, co kdo píše?
0 hlasů
03.06.2016 14:11
Sama jsem byla zaskocena clankem od Loba a chtela jsem, aby muj clanek nebyl publikovan (byl sice napsan, ale neprelozen do cestiny), protoze mi prijde toto taky jako pekna blbost (dva clanky na stejne tema, jeste podobne obsahem ve stejnou dobu) a take jako podraz od editora.
Nakonec jsem ale svolila k jeho publikaci a doted si nejsem jista jestli mam v psani pokracovat.
Clanku na toto tema pravdepodobne ted bude dost prave kvuli releasu Eternal Masters (a v CR take kvuli GPcku), takze me to na druhou stranu neprekvapuje.
Kazdopadne dekuji za podporu.
1 hlas
03.06.2016 14:21
Pokračuj v psaní. Prosím.
Hráčů s výsledky, kteří umí zároveň psát, není úplně moc a byla by škoda, kdyby jich bylo ještě o jednoho (jednu) míň :))
Navíc si myslím, že pokud máš do psaní chuť, tak by nebyl problém se domluvit s jinými servery (a fakt neukazuju na nikoho konkrétního).
1 hlas
03.06.2016 15:00
Opravdu dekuju moc, tohle pro me znamena mnoho a pravdepodobne to povede k tomu, ze jeste neco napisu (i kdyz ted tu dost bojuju s Legacy clankem cislo 2...)
Nepsala jsem pro ceske servery (i pres to, ze me do toho dost lidi ukecavalo) z toho duvodu, ze co jsem po vetsinu casu videla byl jen samy hate (a zrovna zde se do me obvykle lidi pustili nejvic, jsem rada, ze uz to tu neni) a porad se toho bojim.
Pote co mi, ale nabidl spolupraci MTGGoldfish zjistila jsem, ze mozna moje clanky nejsou tak zle^_^. Nejak jsem se uplne na pravidelne psani clanku pro takovy portal necitila a tak pisu pro PureMTGO a az se na to budu citit, mozna budu psat i pro jine weby.
Cesky mi psani moc nejde, takze pokud neco dale napisu, budte shovivavi. ^_^
2 hlasy
03.06.2016 13:42
výborný článek, snad i díky němu se začne legacy zase trochu víc hrát :-)
jenom si říkám, klasický abzan (junk), to už se dnes vůbec nehraje? je pravda, že jund a BUG k sobě mají mnohem blíž, ale pořád je tu jistý BGx základ, který všechny 3 balíčky spojuje.
možná mi tu trochu chybí stoneblade, sice také nevím, jak moc se hraje či ne, ale pořád je to velice populární archetyp už od vydání mystika a své fanoušky si vždycky najde.
0 hlasů
03.06.2016 14:03
Junk muze znamenat, kde co od Mavericku s cernou, Dark Depths combo deck po Nic Fit. Junk midrange funguje na jinem principu nez Jund a Shardless BUG, proto deck neni uveden tam.
Stejne tak Stoneblade ma spousty podob. Rozhodla jsem se neuvadet ani jeden z techto decku, protoze jsou spise okrajove i pres to, ze jednou za cas se jim podari dostat se na pozici tier 1.5 decku. Trochu me to mrzi nebot Stoneblade je pravdepodobne deck, ke kteremu mam nejbliz. Ale svoji slavu uz si zazil. Nejhranejsi verze je Deathblade avsak tento deck je zastinen 4c Delvery nebo 4c Value decky.
Dekuji za komentar.
0 hlasů
03.06.2016 15:23
Super článek!
0 hlasů
05.06.2016 14:52
Človek může jen doufat, že to nějaké lidi vůbec přiláká. Limitovaná edice sama o sobě moc karet do oběhu nepřinese. A pokud už něco zlevní v důsledku eternal masters, tak o to dražší budou karty na RL, duály především.
Takže pokud už sada nového hráče do legačky uvrtá, tak to bude jedině skrze burn (levné), dredge (levné, ale pro 90% lidí nudné a těžší na hru - pro začátečníka nevhodné) nebo elfy (opět pro začátečníka asi nic moc).
Moc lidí si na "zkoušku" těžko připlatí 8 tisíc za nemodré duály a další 4 za wastelandy, takže je otázka jestli to málo bude stačit nejen na přilákání lidí, ale hlavně na jejich udržení.
P.S. Myslím, že cílená skupina bude nakonec zase Commander. My skočíme po všem jak slepice po flusu. :)
1 hlas
06.06.2016 09:54
V papirovem Magicu to tak bude/je, ale spousta lidi to nevidi. U Modern Masters se take lidi tesili jak to bude super a karty zlevni. Cena Modernovych decku vzrostla o 24 procent a to same se bude dit i tady. mozna i vice, protoze EMA je o dost vice limitovana nez MM. Uvidime, co prinese jeste Conspiracy.
Pokud lidi chteji nejake karty z EMA, tak by si je meli poridit ted.
Ostatni karty uz kazdopadne zdrazily.
Na modu by to ale nejake lidi mohlo prilakat za predpokladu, ze si stihli koupit nejake dualy...ktere vzrostly asi tak o 70%...ale aspon si clovek nemusi kupovat Daze za cenu vyssi nez Underground Sea...^_^
0 hlasů
Přispívat mohou pouze přihlášení uživatelé. Pokud chcete vložit komentář, přihlaste se ZDE.
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14.3. Magic Spotlight Series: Utrecht , |
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22.3. Destination Qualifier Gdaňsk, |
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29.3. Destination Qualifier Suances, |
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11.4. Magic Spotlight Series: Denver , |
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25.4. Regional Championship Boloňa , |
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17.5. Old school Viennageddon, Vienna Old School |
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18.5. Austrian Premodern Championship, Vienna Premodern |
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20.6. MagicCon: Las Vegas, Las Vegas, USA různé |
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26.9. MagicCon: Atlanta, Atlanta, USA různé |